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Scripts for Net Control operators


Remember, be friendly and as informal as seems appropriate. We are not typically talking to seasoned hams, and we don’t want to discourage new operators from delving deeper into radio comm!

Be sure to keep careful record of all who respond to the net, and write-down any “formal traffic”.


Welcome to the Dubuque GMRS Radio Club HUMP DAY NET!

This is (call-sign) and my handle is (handle or name), I’ll be serving as Net Control for tonight.


We will now break for a few seconds for any emergency or priority traffic.

(Acknowledge any traffic, responding as needed)


This net meets every Wednesday at 8pm on GMRS channel 22, frequency 462.725, through the club repeater in Downtown Dubuque.

Talking through this repeater requires that the radio operator is able to transmit on a 5MHz positive shift, to 467.725.


In order to accommodate people on walkie-talkies we will allow a time for people to call in from hand-helds, and if one of our GMRS operators can hear you they will relay your call to the net. If you are a young listener please invite your parents to join you as you call in. Please be patient now, and stand-by.


This will be a formal net in that all communications will be directed through Net Control.


We will begin with a check-in by  roll-call, leaving a space at the end for late and new check-ins. Following roll-call we will have a second round and each operator will be invited to share something about their day, their life, or to just say hello.


We will now commence with check-ins, when you are called please respond with your call-sign and/or handle.


(call the operator’s call-sign if they have one, their handle if they do not, and their first name if no handle)

(acknowledge each check-in to somehow confirm that you heard them)


We have reached the end of our list.

I will first ask for any new check-ins. Respond with your call-sign, a handle, or your name, speaking slowly & loud in case your transmission is weak.

(allow a few seconds, if YOU hear a new operator welcome them and confirm their call-sign etc by writing it down)


Now I will ask all operators to acknowledge any new check-ins which may not have come through the repeater. Please advise Net Control of the new call-sign or handle, and be prepared to relay communication from that individual.

(communicate as needed, take notes)


Hearing no more new check-ins, are there any late-check-ins?


We will now proceed to our second round.


(acknowledge each operator, encouraging them in some way about what they shared)

(remember to use a relay for any simplex operators and encourage them to join us and learn more about using the repeater)


This concludes our HUMP DAY NET tonight. Are there any more comments to be made or additional late or new check-ins?


This net has been provided by the Dubuque GMRS Radio Club.

If you would like more information about our club please visit or find us on facebook.


Please join us also on Sundays at 7pm, on this same frequency.

I will now return the Dubuque GMRS repeater to normal use at (time), this has been (your call-sign/handle)


Remember, be friendly and as informal as seems appropriate. We are not typically talking to seasoned hams, and we don’t want to discourage new operators from delving deeper into radio comm!

Be sure to keep careful record of all who respond to the net, and write-down any “formal traffic”.


Welcome to the Dubuque GMRS Radio Club SUNDAY NET!

This is (call-sign) and my handle is (handle or name), I’ll be serving as Net Control for tonight.


We will now break for a few seconds for any emergency or priority traffic.

(Acknowledge any traffic, responding as needed)


This net meets every Sunday at 7pm on GMRS channel 22, frequency 462.725, through the club repeater in Downtown Dubuque.

Talking through this repeater requires that the radio operator is able to transmit on a 5MHz positive shift, to 467.725.


In order to accommodate people on walkie-talkies we will allow a time for people to call in from hand-helds, and if one of our GMRS operators can hear you they will relay your call to the net. If you are a young listener please invite your parents to join you as you call in. Please be patient now, and stand-by.


This will be a formal net in that all communications will be directed through Net Control.


We will begin with a check-in by  roll-call, leaving a space at the end for late and new check-ins. Following roll-call we will have a second round and each operator will be invited to share something about their day, their life, or to just say hello.


We will now commence with check-ins, when you are called please respond with your call-sign and/or handle.


(call the operator’s call-sign if they have one, their handle if they do not, and their first name if no handle)

(acknowledge each check-in to somehow confirm that you heard them)


We have reached the end of our list.

I will first ask for any new check-ins. Respond with your call-sign, a handle, or your name, speaking slowly & loud in case your transmission is weak.

(allow a few seconds, if YOU hear a new operator welcome them and confirm their call-sign etc by writing it down)


Now I will ask all operators to acknowledge any new check-ins which may not have come through the repeater. Please advise Net Control of the new call-sign or handle, and be prepared to relay communication from that individual.

(communicate as needed, take notes)


Hearing no more new check-ins, are there any late-check-ins?


We will now proceed to our second round.


(acknowledge each operator, encouraging them in some way about what they shared)

(remember to use a relay for any simplex operators and encourage them to join us and learn more about using the repeater)


This concludes our SUNDAY NET tonight. Are there any more comments to be made or additional late or new check-ins?


This net has been provided by the Dubuque GMRS Radio Club.

If you would like more information about our club please visit or find us on facebook.


Please join us also on Wednesdays at 8pm, on this same frequency.


I will now return the Dubuque GMRS repeater to normal use at (time), this has been (your call-sign/handle)

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